
Pyth is an oracle for real-time blockchain data such as price feeds and historical market data.

Pyth Oracle address on Mode Mainnet: https://explorer.mode.network/address/0xA2aa501b19aff244D90cc15a4Cf739D2725B5729

Price feed on Testnet: https://sepolia.explorer.mode.network/address/0xA2aa501b19aff244D90cc15a4Cf739D2725B5729 For further details, please refer to Pyth documentation.

RedStone enforces design with independent and robust modules. Signed data packages are broadcasted to DDL and archived on Arweave. Consumers can use data feeds in Pull, Push and X models.

Price feeds on Mode mainnet: https://docs.redstone.finance/docs/smart-contract-devs/price-feeds

Supra is a novel, high-throughput Oracle & IntraLayer: A vertically integrated toolkit of cross-chain solutions (data oracles, asset bridges, automation network, and more) that interlink all blockchains, public (L1s and L2s) or private (enterprises). Supra Pull Oracle adddess on Mode Mainnet: https://explorer.mode.network/address/0x2FA6DbFe4291136Cf272E1A3294362b6651e8517?tab=contract

For more details, check out Supra developer docs.

Last updated