⌨ī¸Node Operators

Running the node

If you want to run a node for Mode you can follow these instructions: https://github.com/mode-network/rollup-node

FJORD UPDATE - Wed Jul 10 16:00:01 UTC 2024 Node operators will need to upgrade to Fjord before the activation date. For Sepolia, the op-node release v1.7.7(opens in a new tab) and op-geth release v1.101315.2(opens in a new tab) contain these changes. Please update to the latest releases of op-geth and op-node.


Make the following checks to verify that your node is properly configured.

  • op-node and op-geth will log their configurations at startup

  • Check that the Fjord time is set to activation-timestamp in the op-node startup logs

  • Check that the Fjord time is set to activation-timestamp in the op-geth startup logs

For more information please visit Optimism's documentation.


Snapshots will help you save time while synching your node to Mode.

  • Mainnet

Tuesday 5th June (latest) - https://storage.googleapis.com/conduit-networks-snapshots/mode/mainnet/2024-07-12.tar

  • Testnet




Getting ready for Ecotone Upgrade (Dencun + EIP-4844)

The Ecotone upgrade contains the Dencun upgrade from L1, and adopts EIP-4844 blobs for data-availability. Please refer to: https://docs.optimism.io/builders/notices/ecotone-changes

  • You need l1 beacon api access for op-node and pass via --l1.beacon param (or OP_NODE_L1_BEACON env).

  • Consider having full-archive blobs access. if you are on the superchain you don't have to pass any new parameter.

Last updated